Tuesday, 2 May 2017


Whether it's the Pope blessing us from the balcony, the Head of our local school reminding us of everything involved in raising young people as Catholics,  or a Parish Priest trying to make us all feel "wanted" at the Sunday Mass, most of us will have some idea of what it takes to make a good CHURCH leader. Try these for size.

1. You can get a bright spark who feels like a breath of fresh air, at first, but after no time at all is just too darned bright and only a bunch of similar clever clogs can live with him. 

2. Or you're saddled with the quiet gentle type and the place just goes to sleep. 

3. And of course you can also find yourself with someone whose been shouting from the back seat for ages, but just can't motivate others. With them it's always someone else's fault or the stupid system. 

4. Go on a parish retreat and some kindly old chap may remind you that Jesus didn't run leadership courses but relied on a few willing souls who were ready to be taught, often through pain; theirs as well as His.

5. Whole groups of people may enjoy reading about these things, but run a mile from offering an opinion. We're not selfish - just private!

6. Some people do seem to have the right idea at first but end up disappointing us, while others upset everyone from the start, and stay that way. The ideal Church Leader; anyone know?

1. The best parishes have to be the ones where the people are fully involved in all aspects of their church.
As a visitor you can spot them a mile off.
Where the priest has the ability, as you say, to make everyone feel welcome. Where people want to be involved and feel it is their church, their home, their responsibility.

2.???This place is waiting for YOUR suggestion 


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