Who invented the wheel? Whose idea was it?Perhaps it wasn't invented at all, just discovered.
Someone, somewhere, sometime, noticed that round things could be made to roll and from then on, they did.
What was it like for the person who first felt the excitement
of being blown along by the wind?
How did they feel who first set out upon the oceans swell with a sail above them,
letting the wind take them where it might?
Who was it first knew the thrill that came with the first sparks of fire,
the first strokes of a swimmer,
or the first words that were clearly meant and clearly understood?
What do you need to gain the love of a beautiful woman?
What can win you the unswerving devotion of a good man?
What price will you pay for the gift of a loyal friend?
How far must you travel to know the secrets of your own heart?
How many tears must flow before a lesson is truly learned?
Take hold of the wind.
For sure, to some questions there is no answer? Or none that is good enough.
Some questions set us a puzzle to keep us guessing, but others,
the ones that really matter,
ask us to look with wonder into the depths of our own being
and marvel at our existence.
Today is Pentecost.
We do not need to know everything about it to know that
however much we know, we know but little.
For Pentecost asks the one question God asks each one of us;
"will you come with me?"
"Will you allow the wind of my spirit to fill your sails
and take you to the very edge of your own courage?
Will you allow me to propel you in safety across depths you cannot imagine?
Are you willing to lose control of your own destiny,
trusting that I can take you there?"
These are the questions Pentecost asks of us.
For answers, we need to look to him in whom the Father was well pleased,
on whom the spirit descended,
the One who died and is Risen,
Jesus the Lord.
A great prize cannot be purchased with a simple handout.
In the land of eternity neither credit card nor cash is of any use.
On the Cross Jesus showed us clearly how we can take hold of the wind,
capture for ourselves the very breath of God.
Nothing less than everything will do.
The price is total love.
The reward is freedom unimagined.
With Him then, we dare to answer the questions Pentecost asks of us,
with Him we can dare to say;
"Into your hands, I commit my spirit"
©Valentine Farrell 20-05-1999
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